quarta-feira, fevereiro 07, 2007

" I know you're not always perfect. I know you have tons of problems, defects, imperfections... but who doesn't? It's just that I prefer your problems. I'm in love with your imperfections. Your imperfections are just great! [... ]

I know most girls they get weak on their knees for what's beautiful, you know, that's all they see, that's all they want. But I'm not like that. I don't just see what's beautiful. I fall for the other stuff.

I love what's not perfect. It's just how I am... "

Les poupees russes... again!

1 comentário:

Morcegos no Sótão disse...

Eu por acaso prefiro o L'Aubergue Espagnole... Achei que o Poupées Russes desceu um pouco de qualidade. =/ Mas já vi que lhe apanhaste umas frases bem giras!;)

P.S.- tens noção do difícil que é comentar no teu blog?o_O Esta coisa insiste em recusar o meu log in, tenho de entrar no meu blog e vir para aqui através do link de lá.